Letter Styles
Letters and emblems are made by embroidering chenille thread onto a heavy wool/rayon felt backing. Letters are available in the five letter styles shown, or in custom styling to match any sample and are perfect for school letters.
More on Stage Curtain accessories in The Art of Stage Curtains (link?)
Letter Colors
All of our foreground fabric colors are interchangeable with any of the background felt colors. This will give you the perfect color combination and look for your organization, club, or high school letters.

Click to see Letter Colors

Stage curtain emblems are custom jobs. We can take your sample artwork and colors involved to create a custom emblem. As this work is custom, emblems for your stage curtains will be quoted on a case by case basis. Remember emblems go on the valance and should be no more than the height of the valance less 10 inches to clear the top and bottom hem seams.
To accent valances, choose 6'' Bullion Fringe, available in black, gold, grey, white, light gold, and yellow.